Sept to November 2023 News and Announcements
Hello Everyone, It has been an Autumn of Harvest, hard work, classes, and gatherings as people near and far move through the challenges and hardships of so many people. News of world events impact everyone. We practice community connection, the solace of good friends, and sharing moments that give energy to carry on. One practice we offer is hosting a monthly inspirational pot-luck and get together. Please join us, these are open events. The next one will be December 17th, a potluck and community sing at 4:00 in the Great Room.
Our first potluck of the season was a special one, the Full Bowls Fundraiser. On September 25, Barb Davis and her students shared the 85 addtional bowls they shaped for the last 6 months. Community garden members made 20 gallons of soup from our growing. We gathered with about 70 people, sang songs and had a fabulous evening of soup and music and friendship. Thank you Barb for the concept, event creation and bowls. Thank you Eric, Simon and Johnny for the music. Thank you Community for abundant support. We raised $2500 for The Center.
Our second potluck evening was October 8th. We held a council gathering, an amazing potluck and a concert from cellist Lori Goldston. There was gorgeous music, and heartfelt connection. Our council meeting centered our emergent collective leadership project. This month we are exploring our emerging form of leadership. This will include using the tools of ULAB where inspiration and creative service lead the way.
Lori lives in Seattle and performs most often on the west coast. We are delighted that Lori was able to bring her creative genius to our children and grown ups, such a joyful gift.
Lantern Walk
On October 29 we held our 27th annual Lantern Walk. The weather was iffy. We were all uncertain, and yet look how the children's lanterns lit up the room. Thank you Petra, Millie, Yumiko, and Eleanor for your beautiful gifts to make space for this event as the light changes. In the words of a grandparent, “Thank you all for a really magical event.”
Join us December 10 for the community evergreen spiral walk at 5:00 in the Great Room.
Partnerships ..
Preschool Coop
This fabulous preschool co-op brings together children from 7 families. And there’s still space for 3 more students!! Inquire to Laurel ….We welcome you.
Thank you Karen Proctor and Jules Brooks and Ruby Pinyuh-Derovan earlier, for keeping the home warmth as part of school days and bringing joyful friendships and play for children.
Kids harvested the corn as Community garden folks completed the Fall harvest of cabbage, beets, onions squash potoes leeks kale brocoli, whew!!! such abundance.
The Arts and Music Connect us and Nourish us
Alissa Schwartz, our friend and leadership council member recently published a book, Organizational Performance Art, and we are so proud; her work with us is in the book! We highly recommend her work and her new book, and are so grateful to have her working with us on reshaping our leadership. Our staff visited Brooklyn in November to attend Alissa’s final stop on her book tour.
JR Rhodes, our first artist in residence, and our dear friend, continues her project highlighting the lives, works and wisdoms of women of color. She will be in the studio recording this winter!
Stay tuned for what’s next in our onging partnership with Continuum Culture & Arts, Andrew Drury, artistic director.
Orchard Hill Breadworks
Orchard Hill Breadworks provides nutritious delicious food to dozens of coops, groceries, farm stands and CSAs all over the region as well as right here at Orchard Hill. The Breadworksd also is a primary Vendor at Farmers Markets in Brattleboro and Keene with abundant good bread and baked goods.
For the pure joy of riding trailsand sharing great food and supporting Fall Mountain atheletics the breadworks hosts the annual Dirty Pizza ride. Riders of all ages and abilities rode 5, 10, 25, and 40 miles!! Then came back to pizza, salad, and apple crisp.
The Commons …..the Harvest
Now in its second year, the Community Garden Project grew food with and for each other. Together, we harvested many pounds of produce , nurtured the commons, made gallons of saurkraut and kimchi.
Garden folk made 15 gallons of soup, set up at the Breaworks pavilion and served creating the Full Bowls event.
This Fall we received amazing generous donations from friends. These donations allow The Center to continue to open spaces for change and serve all people.
From Thanksgiving to May are vital months for developing community benefit programs. This year our focus is on bringing cultures of possibility for urban and rural connections for teens, teachers, families, and our own emergent leadership project.
Thank you friends for your generous donations. Your gifts make our work possible.
Gracias, Arigato, Merci,
13 Thank Yous and Honey in the Heart,
Keep Healthy, Keep Hopeful until we meet again,
—Eleanor and Andrea, Center Directors
And here we are today. The seeds we planted the first week of camp have grown tall and strong. Blessed be the seeds that grow as we bustle about to and fro ….