Our Values

Orchard Hill is a place of possibility and emergence. Our values guide us as we build and maintain the connective tissue that weaves together people and the land.


The land and the people who come here heal and are healed. People heal land. Land heals people. People heal people. Land heals land.

Regenerative Community

We host an evershifting space of interdependent activity. Our community is a place where you can enact and be received as your fullest self, with others.


We bring our full, messy, complex selves, histories, and social identities to our work and invite people who come here to do so as well.


We proactively welcome and are in solidarity with people who are socially disadvantaged because of ability, race, gender, sexual orientation, educational/economic status, and in other ways.

Cultural Exchange and Creation

We honor and hold space for the many different cultural traditions, rituals, and ceremonies of people who come to Orchard Hill.


There are many ways to be in exchange with us, including the sharing of time, energy, creativity, and funds. Reciprocity means our relationships are mutual; we give what we are capable of giving and warmly receive what is offered.